During WW2, Singer made sewing machines with black metal attachments and parts. They were called “Blackside.” I bought this “Blackside” Singer 66-16 at a garage sale from the original owner’s son.

It was in mint condition and came with a Singer #40 cabinet and matching stowaway stool. I reupholstered the removable cushion, which hides a storage compartment.

The stowaway stool is where I found the original manual and “blackside” attachments.

If you’d like to purchase a reproduction copy of the Singer 66-16 sewing machine instruction manual, please visit the Gift Shop.

This machine has a black slide plate and needle plate.

It also has a black clutch knob on the solid black hand wheel. It seemed only appropriate to replace its red spool pin felt with a black one, since the spool pin is black, as well as the presser foot lever on the back. Oddly enough, the stitch length lever and the electrical cord are white.

Even the metal lamp shade on the back is black.

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