The links below will take you to web sites where you can purchase items or find information you might find useful when using your vintage or antique sewing machines. Other links will help you find groups of people with similar interests and hobbies. Read each link’s description before clicking to make sure you find what you are looking for. Enjoy!

Treadle On is dedicated to promoting the use of antique and vintage human-powered sewing machines, i.e. treadle sewing machines and hand crank sewing machines. It is the home base for the Treadle On Internet E-Mail List for active users of treadle and hand crank sewing machines. The web site includes instructions on basic maintenance and restoration of treadle and hand crank sewing machines.

The Hen House Quilt Shop has been a staple in the downtown Charlotte, Michigan landscape for over 30 years. We are an eclectic quilt shop with a focus on empowering your quilting devotion. Shop online or visit our brick and mortar quilt shop in Charlotte, Michigan. We have a wide variety of classes and sewing groups that meet throughout the month.

International Sewing Machine Collectors’ Society
One of the main purposes of the ISMACS is the identification and showcase of antique sewing machines. The ISMACS Email Digest is the place to ask all your sewing machine questions. You will be greeted by the Internet’s finest people and your enquiries will be answered by leading experts.

This is a mailing list devoted to Singer Featherweights (Model 221) and other older machines. All fanatics are welcome to join and get a free one month trial. If you decide to stay after your first month, just pay $15.

Linda Winkens at Relics has over 3,000 different sewing machine user, instruction and servicing, repair manuals and books. She even has supplies for your vintage and newer sewing machines.

Mike Anderson of Wolfegang’s Collectibles offers parts, pieces and hard to find items for antique treadle and hand crank sewing machines. He also sells complete antique treadles, hand crank machines, and accessories. Wolfegang’s Collectibles is in Brookfield, NH 03872. Phone: 603-522-9100. Email:

Terry Fielding is your one stop spot for vintage Singer sewing machine repair help. He specializes in the Fashion Mate, Slant-O-Matic, and Touch and Sew series, as well as some of the newer vintage Singer and Brother machines.

Alex has spent a lifetime in the sewing industry and is considered one of the foremost experts of pioneering machines and their inventors. He has written extensively for trade magazines, radio, television, books and publications world wide. His site has machines for sale, books, reviews, pictures, stories and links, as well as a wealth of helpful information.

Guy Baker has a large inventory of sewing machine parts. For now, he is doing all orders by phone only, because it’s easier to describe items. G-B Sewing Machine Parts/Service, P. O. Box 111, 406 N. Center Street, Gridley, IL 61744, Phone: 309-408-7226. If emailing, please give a number he can call you at. .

Central Michigan Sewing Supplies
Hello, my name is Chris and I am owner/operator of Central Michigan Sewing Supplies. Along with my wife, Terry, we supply sewing machine repair parts, accessories and service for all makes and models. Specializing in vintage sewing machine parts, we have over Twenty-Five years of combined experience in the sewing machine repair industry. We are located in the small town of Tustin Michigan and operate a brick and mortar store along with our online sales.

Welcome to the NeedleBar Museum Archive.
The NeedleBar was an international group of enthusiastic collectors of antique and vintage (1829 to 1960) sewing machines, who also had an interest in researching the history of these fascinating items, their inventors and their makers.
As the site owner I have been online freely sharing and maintaining information about this engrossing subject for 20 years since 1995. The NeedleBar Museum in this present form has been online since 2000.
The objective of the NeedleBar was to research, share and discuss information about the history, development and makers of antique sewing machines.

Helen Howes Old Sewing Machine Parts and Advice
Sewing machine parts, manuals, and spares for sale; free advice, and other interesting stuff…
We specialise in veteran and vintage domestic machines, but do have oddments for industrials and others. Not everything is online, we have a job to get it uploaded fast enough, but do try to have only actually-available items on the site..

Toledo Industrial Sewing Machines, Ltd.
Toledo Industrial Sewing Machines is the US dealer and service depot for the Cowboy® brand of industrial and heavy leather sewing machines. We also sell and service new and rebuilt industrial sewing machines and sewing supplies and accessories. We sell many brands, including Adler, Chandler, Cowboy, Consew, Juki, Pfaff and Singer. Our warehouse contains thousands of miscellaneous commercial, industrial and home sewing machines, some of which may be just what you are looking for!

This site is intended to provide a place to coordinate sewing machine information in a way to allow anyone to access it. A place for collectors to share their prizes, their knowledge, and their methods for maintaining and using them with each other and anyone who is interested in older machines.

Antique and Vintage Sewing Machines Virtual Museum
Our collection includes sewing machines made in both Europe and North America, and on these pages you will find information about many of the companies that manufactured sewing machines as well as photographs of various types of machine that were produced.

McKenna Linn’s Sewing Machine How-Tos
This web site contains information about cleaning vintage machines, cleaning a motor, drilling Necchi hinge-pin holes, twin-needle stitching, behind the handwheel, Elna Grasshopper bobbin area disassembly, replacing a Necchi presser foot-lifter lever, Necchi old-style tensioner, Necchi button-style tensioner, removing a Mirella motor, as well as other useful information and pictures about sewing machines.

There are so many treadle sewing machines in our home that my hubby named it Treadle Boulevard, then he named the row of machines in the living room Treadle Alley, finally the breakfast nook that had four he called Treadle Plaza.
Many of the old iron ladies and gents have nicknames and most all of them sew beautifully as the day they were manufactured. I clean and service them myself. They just need need a drink of oil now and then and to be admired and taken for a Sunday drive.
Happy treadling, Donna Kohler

Cheryl’s Teapots2Quilting Blog
Cheryl is a misplaced Texan living in Illinois. She’s been quilting since 2001, and shares about her machines and sewing adventures on her entertaining blog.

Vintage Pattern Lending Library
Vintage Pattern Lending Library is your source for vintage reproduction sewing patterns from the 1870s through the 1950s. Since 1998, VPLL has been THE place to go for historically correct reenactment and costuming needs.
All patterns are duplicated exactly as originally produced but updated with modern construction markings dropped in. They are professionally digitized and printed individually on a large format paper. Any instructions included with the originals are also transcribed for your convenience.
Our mission has always been to provide access to these lovely designs for the sewing community at large, so anyone with a love for historic fashion can experience them as close to the originals as is possible.
The above link will take you to a web site which in turn takes you to the owners etsy store.

On a 90-acre historic campus midway between Detroit and Chicago is the Gilmore Car Museum. Here, visitors shoot the breeze in an old-fashioned gas station. Children stand inches from a 1930 Rolls-Royce that’s from a Disney® movie. Grandparents share stories about a ’57 Chevy, as their smiles are reflected in the car’s chrome. Stroll the campus. Eat lunch in our authentic Blue Moon Diner. Walk right up to an amazing collection of over 300 vintage automobiles, motorcycles, and memories. It’s America’s Signature Collection, and the ultimate experience for everyone in your family.

Please time travel to a sewing machine era by clicking the time period button below:
1870-1879 * 1880-1889 * 1890-1899 * 1900-1909 * 1910-1919 * 1920-1929 * 1930-1939 * 1940-1949 * 1950-1959 * 1960-1969 * 1970-1979 * 1980-1989