This little Singer 185 was my second sewing machine purchase. I bought it on eBay on March 6, 2006. It is a 3/4 size straight stitch machine that uses class 66 bobbins and standard 15×1 needles. Notice its matching green foot controller.

Notice the pale green and silver nose plate and hand wheel. The pale green in these photos looks white.

It has the pale green bobbin winder tire and cords that came with several of the 1950’s Singer models, such as the 319 and the 15-125 models.

The motor and light fixture are a matching green also. Please visit the Gift Shop if you’d like to purchase an instruction manual for your Singer 185 sewing machine.

The Singer 185 often came in a plastic case, which typically has broken by now. Since the 185 is not a stand alone table model, I needed a case or cabinet in order to use mine without its moving parts scraping on the table. I was fortunate to have a friend donate this used 3/4 case to the cause. I also now have a 3/4 cabinet to share with a Singer model 99.
Recently I bought another Singer 185 in the plastic carrying case and discovered an easy fix to replace the broken plastic supports is to simply replace them with wooden supports glued to the inside of the base to support the machine.

Please time travel to another sewing machine era by clicking the time period button below:
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