The General Electric sewing machine, also called the Sewhandy, was advertised as weighing 12 pounds and originally sold for $76.50. It measures 10-1/2 x 6-1/2 x10 inches tall and looks like a toy, but this little workhorse makes an excellent lockstitch and is a joy to work with.

I bought this General Electric on eBay right after Christmas of 2008 for only $37.00 including shipping. Notice the stitch length lever on the left side of the front view. If the power cord is missing, you’ll need to hunt down an old fashioned extension cord that plugs in on the end (note the cord socket on the back view).

The belt can be replaced with a Hoover Upright type 48 vacuum cleaner belt. Notice that it looks too large, but it works.

This little machine uses regular side attaching low shank feet and a regular 15×1 needle.

I was very fortunate that this General Electric came with a manual, foot controller and attachments, as well as its case. If you own one of these little gems, just visit the Gift Shop to purchase a reproduction copy of the General Electric sewing machine instruction manual.

The case is similar to a Singer Featherweight case, so attractive with the gold interior, and very handy with a place to put everything.

The bobbin and case in the machine.

The General Electric comes with its own unique bobbin system.

The first project I sewed on this little General Electric machine was a “Daisy Doll” dress for my daughter’s American Girl doll, Molly.

It’s not often that the doll is bigger than the sewing machine.

Please time travel to another sewing machine era by clicking the time period button below:
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